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Something That Makes Me Believe That YOLO "Doesn't Truly Exist"

Hi guys!

Let's remove your makeup and show me your skin. If there are some flaws you are not confident to show, forget them. You're never late, they are gonna go very soon. By the way, the case I am talking about is similar with the quote that I found on the internet days ago. Here it is

I don't know if it sounds weird to you but it means a lot to me. I am a 22 year old girl and have not found what I really want in life. At first I thought that "You Only Live Once" aka "YOLO" truly existed but this quote has changed my perception and I love it.

Do not feel upset when there is a flaw on your face but others' faces seem so pretty without any flaws. You're gonna have the same one like them, just wait for the right time.

Do not feel disappointed when you have not got any job but others have spend their money to travel around the world. You're gonna get that and travel the world soon without paying it by your own money.

Do not envy them when your job doesn't fit your passion but others get paid by doing theirs. Don't you believe that we have to do it and love it in the end? Or, there will be time for you to work with your passion.

Do not feel lonely when you are still single but your friends send you their wedding invitations. One day, there will be the right one for you.

Believe it that YOLO doesn't truly exist. You are not late, you are not even early. You are very much on time of yours and believe that one day, the miracle will come.


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